Forecast the direction of the development of automotive components |
Lightweight auto parts are moving in the direction of development. The results show that, if the quality of a car by 10%, while its fuel economy can increase 3% to 4%, while also reducing vehicle emissions. To this end, the car engine manufacturers to make lightweight, high-speed, high-power, and a higher degree of durability, all kinds of light weight, high strength materials in the automobile parts of increasingly extensive. Aluminum alloy cylinder engine has become the preferred vehicle lightweight, vermicular graphite cast iron, super alloys and other car manufacturers are also in a place. These are the tool has brought new challenges. Deal with aluminum, especially high-silicon aluminum alloy applications, the application of diamond tools more and more. Diamond Tool mentioned here, including a diamond-welding tools, including diamond coated tools. Germany Company provided a commodity called CCDia diamond coating of nano-structured, high-silicon aluminum alloy processing provides an excellent solution. And Kennametal also launched a non-binder KD1405 pure diamond coating products, but also to address similar processing of high-silicon aluminum alloy tool wear problems. Vermicular graphite cast iron (CGI) is the latest in the automobile parts used in manufacturing a new type of cast iron materials. Vermicular graphite cast iron in a coral reef or worm-shaped, metallographic structure would not be as grey cast iron, will reside in the processing and production increased stress fracture lines, but not as ductile iron, causing the loss of thermal conductivity. This feature enables the compacted graphite cast iron engine manufacturers as a high intensity component materials. Between the processing of ductile iron and gray iron brittle ductile between the chip for some of fracture. CGI for the thermal conductivity of gray cast iron 78%, which would increase the thermal tool wear effect; CGI scalability, and the tensile strength and fatigue strength is about twice the gray iron, it would have to make it easier to Burr. Germany Walter cast iron processing company for research and development of the so-called "tiger blade" Tiger "Tec technology, and this technology will be extended later to steel, stainless steel, hard materials processing, and other fields. Tiger blade signs of bicolor Tu layer, for the different processing flank before and after the use of different characteristics of coatings to improve on the compacted graphite cast iron processing. Sandvik Coromant the GC1020 have a titanium aluminum nitride coating physical, in a hard Basal and respond to different blade processing performance required toughness necessary to achieve the balance between, thereby improving vermicular graphite cast iron processing. Kennametal in cast iron processing, in addition to launch such as KC9315 carbide blade coating, but also promote the use of nitrogen silicon such as pure silicon nitride ceramic blade KY3500 to adapt to the higher processing speed. High-speed processing In order to reduce processing costs and improve processing efficiency of many automotive components manufacturers become a focus of concern. And in improving the processing efficiency measures, the most easy to think of what is perhaps the speed of processing. In 2006 I participated in the "tool technology", "mechanical workers" to Kennametal's metalworking solutions group vice president of North Bernard • an interview, Mr. North said that five years ago launched its Kennametal Steel used in the processing of Grade KC9110 carbide coating, the application of this grade, the average cutting speed of about 250 m / min, and has now reached an average of 320 m / min. The high-speed machining tool to bring more rigorous requirements. To meet this requirement, tool manufacturers to use a variety of measures. Kennametal said that they have already exceeded the previous CVD coating the limit of 20 mm, can now reach 30 mm. This is to improve the coating and the substrate binding and improve the multi-layer coating combination, improving the surface coating of contact with the workpiece, such as the result of a variety of technologies. Tool is a high mountain expressed their research and improve the coating nucleation results. Tool high mountain view, the most optimized nucleation make and wear properties significantly enhanced, and these types of a-Al2O3 layer usually relatively small, performance was not without flaws porosity particle composition. <1014> structure of a-Al2O3 layer showed the best wear resistance. Hill of a high-Al2O3 coatings DurAtomic "reached the level of manufacturing atomic level. Result, mechanical and thermal characteristics over all current production capacity of Al2O3. And the traditional production of Al2O3 compared DurAtomic "higher coating durability / toughness, excellent heat resistance / abrasion resistance, chemical inertness, and thus reduce the formation of the plot debris tendency. With the cutting speed and processing increased efficiency, reduce cutting force and cutting tool to improve thermal become another direction. Yishika such as the Hot Wheels cutter, the cutter blade is serrated cutting edge, in the processing of mutual overlap, this scientific Tool structure makes more efficient processing. such a cutter tool in the processing of high stability, the processing chip for a small chip, and the cutting force small, it also required low power machine. Near Net Size With more and more rough precision manufacturing, automotive components rough shape and accuracy increasingly closer to the finished product size, and this is the so-called "near net Size" (the so-called NNS, NearNetShape). Achieve "near net size" rough, different from the traditional rough forming technology, the precision of these rough shape, the size of high accuracy, precision and good-shaped surface roughness, allowance is very small. This rough near the size of the net, to bring about a series of processing effects, and the tool, the cutting force is the need of small and sharp cutting edge. In recent years, many tool maker unveiled more than ever suitable for a small cushion for processing tool, and its main feature is a sharp tool, the better the wear resistance of the tool. Cutting Edge strength in the balance at the same time raise as much as possible of a common tool sharp choice. For example, a high mountain tool launched MF5 chip breaking Groove is a near net size for processing tool products. It uses a new open design, it has a semi-sharp cutting edge, chamfering was divided into two sections, namely +5 ¡ã and +10 ¡ã, these subparagraphs increase in the width direction, and at the same time is variable angle more small (to a depth of cut is larger and better intensity), the former angle is 17 ¡ã. This semi-sharp cutting edge in the design of processing can reduce cutting force, than the traditional "all sharp" blade of a higher intensity. If other conditions remain unchanged, the sharp tip of the blade will often bring toughness decline. With the development of tool technology, we can make up for it through other means, in order to better take into account tool wear resistance and toughness. In such a moment, the tool material of fine particles has become one of the options we have, although fine particles of the tool may be price than existing technology tool a higher price. Kennametal to a metal material that 62 HRC in the milling hardened materials, fine particle processing 25 min KC635M Carbide Tool Wear and ultrafine particles KC637M processing 70 min Carbide Tool Wear rather to illustrate the machining of hard materials , ultrafine particles than the wear resistance of Carbide KC637M fine carbide KC635M nearly three times higher. Dry processing Trace dry processing and lubrication technology, auto parts processing is another challenge. Including car manufacturers, in addition to the modern manufacturing rapid manufacturing and flexible manufacturing, green manufacturing has become increasingly common by all the attention. Because as a member of society, we must be "sustainable development" as one of our strategic policy. To the ideal of sustainable development as the starting point four coordinates: generational equity, quality of life, social cohesion and international responsibility. "Quality of life" requires a good environment, good schools, as well as providing security and the diverse cultural life of cities, in the "generational equity", the economical use of natural resources belong to one of the most important tasks. And for a long time we have to improve processing quality and prolong tool life and the large-scale use of cutting fluid, but there is a lot of pollution of the environment and harm to the health of operators and increase the cost of manufacturing defects. Western countries have already implemented the environmental laws and regulations and in the formulation of China's National People's Congress has the "Cleaner Production Promotion Law Bill," as well as the International Organization for Standardization developed the series ISO14000 environmental management certification demands that we take the problem seriously. This makes maintenance, archiving and records of existing and planned to follow the provisions of the cost of cutting fluid is forcing rapid price increases, some large factories from the tens of thousands to pay tens of thousands of funds to maintain cutting fluid, installation and use of appropriate annex and oil mist collection, processing chip, debris and used cutting fluid, cutting the costs incurred by the liquid has been very substantial. In the dry processing, because of the lack of a cutting process cooling of the lubricating fluid lubrication, cooling and-chip role will lead knives and increasing friction between the workpiece and cutting humidity increased and intensified chip bonded plug, resulting Tool life expectancy, cutting machining accuracy and efficiency decline. To overcome the lack of a liquid cooling and lubrication of the difficulties caused by the need through the development and application of heat-resistant hardware tool material, suitable tool geometry and micro-lubricating materials and supply installations, as well as by using suitable for dry cutting machine tool and select the appropriate cutting parameters to resolve to ensure a reliable dry cutting process carried out. At present, the main stem cutting tool material Carbide ultrafine particles, the polycrystalline diamond, cubic boron nitride, SiC whisker toughening ceramics and nanocrystalline ceramics, and other. Hill Teweikeditaikeshi low cutting force, low friction and ensure Paixie for the design principles for the development of stem cutting a lot of knives, ALPHA22-deep hole drilling is one of them. Its special helix angle of 40 ¡ã to outline UFL greater angle, and through narrow discrepancies in the actual and strong inverted cone achieve relatively low friction, but also has a special channel profile can be a good Paixie , and can guarantee low friction mobile chip. At the same time it through the use of a higher cobalt content in micro-grain carbide, in the process can also be used to provide high reliability. Although it can be fully expect in the future use of stem cutting, but to completely dry cutting, in the tool life, precision machining, surface roughness, there are still many problems to be overcome, so it can be predicted, according to the current switch to the status quo not cutting fluid impact on the environment, on the cutting fluid appropriate, as well as to trace the sentinel, such as oil. In many applications now, we have a high amount of lubricating fluid jet cutting to the knife's edge, with high lubricity through the cutting fluid and the correct cutting fluid supply and trace the oil installations to the combination of a micro-lubrication was the semi-Cutting processing. Through the use of micro-lubrication technology, we in the Cutting on the use of cutting fluid has been in the past few liters per minute decreased to the current several milliliters per hour, less than the traditional cutting of the use of 1:100,000. Therefore, no longer needed the anti-corruption cutting oil concentration management, parts cleaning as cutting oil consumption and little can be simple, because the chip drying, so that the collection, processing or melting are easier. Flexible In recent years, due to the continued progress of science and technology and people's consumption demand will continue to alienation, including automotive products, the types of product life cycles shorten the product replacement rate accelerated. This situation is forcing many enterprises embark on variety, small-batch production methods, in order to meet market demand variability and enhance the product in the market. This is less variety of lay the foundation for mass production, and pave the way for the standardisation activities posed a challenge. For Hyundai Motor Manufacturing flexible requirements, can be reconstructed through the machine tool industry, including machine tools, modular fixture fixture industry through such means as oil additives industry through the approach to deal with, and tool industry must also make this production trends response, which I think is a very important tool, modular design and modular manufacturing. We will be able to belong to the same functional unit, and install some components on the same (or modules), a group of modules, should have the same combination of elements (including installation and connection of the same forms), to ensure that the properties, uses and different internal structures module, in combination products that are interoperable. In this way, when the auto parts factory structure, size, material has made some changes, we may be through the replacement of the module, which combined with the functional requirements of the new tool to address the changes in the motor vehicle manufacturer demand. Figure 8 is a German company Walter modular cutter, the original allocation can be used by different knife blade and a pad of the former angle, the angle of a series of factories to adapt quickly to changes in the market, Manufacturing new products provide a technical possibility. This modular tool system can be used for all different occasions degree of automation, from the application of general milling machine, milling machine dedicated to the complex machining center and flexible production lines. And the use of other tool than the variability of the system is very strong. In recent years, with the development of tool technology, the new blade type, or even cutting blade type concept developed times, they also introduced a corresponding new module, the system users can only module can be replaced through the use of new tools technology, users also reduce the investment to accelerate the pace of the use of new technologies. Modular technology in the milling cutter application started earlier, the turning, drilling, Reaming tool in various fields such as modular technology has made substantial progress. If Sandvik Coromant Capto provided by the Walter and lathe tool, Kennametal KM Tool provided, in the industrial application of the developed countries has already begun universal. Now, with regard to foreign tool to tool to promote the concept of modular modern tool for the automobile manufacturing industry, small quantities of more modern vehicle manufacturers provide a choice of the economy. Because the automotive industry is different from ordinary machinery and processing industries, many processes must use specialized tool manufacturing. If the engine crankshaft, whether it is within the crankshaft milling, trucks pull high-speed or crank, milling, cutting tools are used by the dedicated. These cutter knife manufacturers complex, more expensive prices. However, if the change of automotive products must involve CRANKTHROW or buccal plane size, may lead to the use of the new body to carry out the knife crankshaft processing, it will affect the automobile plant's product development cycle and manufacturing costs, and ultimate impact automobile factory's ability to compete. Therefore, the tool vendors should be focused on the development of flexible manufacturing crankshaft special tools, and automobile factories together to do everything possible to shorten the development cycle and reduce manufacturing costs. |