I WTO ruling auto parts import management irregularities |
Originally this year on July 1 officially the full implementation of the "characteristics of a vehicle's auto parts import management approach" (hereinafter referred to as "the way") may be a tacit understanding in three years to delay implementation. The Information Office of the Ministry of Commerce said yesterday that the WTO on the 18th are still studying the ruling to the report, the report said that "China's auto parts import management measures violate trade rules" attitude is no appeal. The China Association of Automobile Manufacturers Market and Trade Committee yesterday that the Secretary-General Zhang Boshun, the negotiations continue, not to resolve the conflict situation, the Government or to be taken to dilute the compromise contradictions, that is not the full implementation of the "measures", not announced Results. Affected businesses will continue to import the tax rules. Ministry of Commerce are discussing the response measures WTO dispute settlement body announced on the 18th Group of Experts on China and the United States, the European Union and Canada tripartite auto parts dispute the report's ruling, and in February this year, distributed to the parties to the interim report (the preliminary survey results) are identical in content, Basically support the United States, Europe, Canada's view that China's vehicle more than 60 percent more than the import car parts by the practice of tax on imported auto parts constitute discrimination, breach of the relevant trade rules. In accordance with the WTO dispute settlement procedures, the Chinese expert group on the right to appeal the ruling. Appeals will be the WTO's appeals body to deal with. Ministry of Commerce responsible for the WTO dispute settlement law of the Secretary's position did not. And the Information Office of the Ministry of Commerce in a telephone interview that are discussing the response, attitude will be introduced soon. China's Ministry of Commerce officials have said that China's auto parts import regulation is to prevent lawless elements used vehicle and parts of the tax evasion of customs supervision and poor, the acts of tax evasion, but also to combat illegal assembly, protect the interests of consumers measures. Laws "measures" to benefit only the ho China Association of Automobile Manufacturers Market and Trade Committee Secretary-General Zhang Boshun said that although China's WTO found irregularities, but China still have the opportunity to appeal, this process will last three years. As related to the adjustment of the production sector, the dispute may go to the newly established Ministry of Information Industry and handling. He said that like BMW Brilliance, Beijing Benz is still in the "measures" under the 10 percent tariff. Has not been the "measures" issued by the impact. WTO Zhang Hanlin expert on that, not on the implementation of a controversial law is not necessary, does not have to be concerned about China's WTO ruling. Approach will certainly be modified, but there is no need too concerned about. He said the change is producing enterprises must meet the 60 per cent of the Guochanhuashuai. In fact, even to amend the "measures", and only luxury car manufacturers benefit from the current majority of the joint venture has raised Guochanhualv, the public even more than 90 percent. Long-term concern of the auto parts industry should Zhou Jun, China lost the high-end results will Zhuji Chang will be the enthusiasm of China-made parts and components decreased, because at present only for the tens of thousands of luxury cars scale supporting the establishment of an independent greater investment, and can not really lower Costs, such as parts plants can not support other clients. He believes that this incident will affect parts and components industry trends, future foreign investment in China wholly owned enterprise established parts of the trend will become increasingly evident. As China's independent parts companies do not have high-end components of the technology, regardless of the outcome of this dispute will not impact on such enterprises, but the week should be the military that will accelerate industry reshuffle, parts and components industry structure will be more clear. Joint venture and its parts suppliers more closely, and independent brands such as engine parts and components enterprises to enter the EFI System, ESP, SRS high-end components such areas will be even more difficult. |