Parts supplier to the Japanese auto manufacturers satisfaction decline |
U.S. PlanningPerspective Birmingham, Mich., recently released by the company's annual automobile manufacturers and their parts suppliers to the relationship between the study found that auto parts suppliers to reduce their Toyota Motor and Nissan Motor Co. satisfaction rating, while Ford And generic companies have the satisfaction of a substantial increase. PlanningPerspective's president JohnHenke accept the "European Automotive News" said in an interview, Ford and supplier relations have substantially increased. And to participate in a survey of 284 suppliers study found that Toyota, Honda and Nissan and supplier relations are plummeting, but the car of the future for a very long time and will remain market-leading position. The results also showed that the six largest auto manufacturers, Chrysler (Chrysler) satisfaction dropped by 19.1 percent, ranked last. In response, Chrysler claimed that the company is working to break the study reflected in the parts supplier and the hostile relations between the negative cycle, but at the same time improving relations between the statement of cultural factors, including changes and the need for a long time to . |